Now’s the Perfect Time to Stop Smoking!

Now it’s the time for you to make this important decision to help you understand that now is the time to make that decision to STOP SMOKING.

And there’s no better time to make that effort than today, so please follow instructions and let’s make the habit go a way.

Trying is failing, so please Let’s not try, and lets not quit, trying is for failing and quitting is for quitters, and all you need is to follow through the simple instructions to stop smoking and to remain an ex smoker. And if you fail, don’t give up, use the audio I gave you, and listen to it as needed.

I know quit smoking can be difficult, and not everything in life is easy, is it? Some are easier and some are challenging, in the end is the reward that counts.

The good news, there is no better time then now, because the current economic climate is the best excuse you can have. So, if you even ignoring all the great rewording health benefits, it’s still a good excuse to stop smoking and to save your hard earned money.

Did you know that the average smoker spends about $1,500 on cigarettes alone, and I am not even talking just about how badly it affects your health, but I am talking about the money you have to spend In addition to smoking on health-care costs and the time you lose from work, which is also money loss?

The American Cancer Society reports, that smoking is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States. Each year, it causes 443,000 premature deaths, including 38,000 deaths among nonsmokers from secondhand smoke and half the people who continue to smoke will die from smoking-related diseases. This is scary, don’t you agree?

Here are some of the benefits of becoming an EX Smoker:

* Just shortly after stop smoking, your heart rate and blood pressure drop.
* Few weeks later few months later your circulation improves and lung function increases.

You will start noticing that you’re coughing and shortness of breath decrease and lung function improves.

* A year after stop smoking, your will cut the risk of hear disease into a half.
* Five years later, your risk of stroke will be reduced.
* Ten years after stop smoking, you will no longer have the same risk of dying from lung cancer, or risk of having a mouth cancer, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix and pancreas decrease, since all this will be cut into a half.
* Fifteen years later as an ex smoker, no more risks of heart disease or the same as for non-smokers.

So stop looking for excuses to why you can’t stop smoking, instead have excuses ready as to why you must end this smoking habits.

The only reason you are not an ex smoker now, is because you are not ready, other wise, It does not take that long before you can become an ex smoker, and hypnosis is just another affective way to help you achieve your goal, and No, It is not a guaranteed tool, unless you are truly ready and want to be an ex smoker.

Some people can do it “cold turkey” or with the help of hypnoitherapists, either way, you must be ready to let go of this nasty friendship you have with your so called friend, named cigarettes, tobacco, or what ever else you name it.


For more information, feel free to contact me via email.

Doreen has conducted lectures on Past Life Regression and Energy Healing classes at various places and countries such as Israel, Mexico and Canada. As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer, Doreen draws to her practice a great experience in working with psychologists, family therapists, sexual assault therapists and physicians since 1999. Doreen is also assisting therapeutic personal growth workshops for Chakra balancing that is called “The Dance Chakra,” as well her experience as a Certified Massage Therapist for six years.

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