How I Wish I Was Rich!

Author : Doreen Cohanim
All of us have so many wishes throughout our lives, and we always complain about not getting our wishes. What would you do if your wish actually came true?

One day, a client came to see me because he was by himself, lonely and sad. All of his family members and friends had died from sickness, accidents, or just old age. When I first saw him, I thought he was the sweetest man, with deep blue eyes and a beautiful gold aura. In order to build a rapport with my clients I always start with a few questions. So, I asked him “Why are you coming to see me?” My client sat on the recliner, looked at me and said “I have a wish”. I replied “Okay, what is your wish?”. My client responded “I wish I was rich!”. I asked him “Why is that? Besides, who wouldn’t like that?”. My client (we will call him Mr. Wish) said “To be totally honest with you, I don’t really know why. I just wish I was rich, and that is why I am here.”

With a smile, I asked him “Would you REALLY like to be rich?”. Without a second thought, he replied “YES MA’AM!”. I asked Mr. Wish “Why rich? Why not healthy, or why not having a wife and child?”. He told me “If I was rich, I could have it all. But, I live month by month and can’t afford a new car, let alone support a wife and child. To be honest, I can’t even afford to pay you, but I borrowed the money so I can get my wish granted. All I need is your tools and your guidance – after that it all depends on me.”

Mr. Wish was a very healthy 60 year old man who had never seen a doctor or taken a pill in all of his life. However, he had some old negative patterns that stopped him from getting to where he wanted to be – rich and successful. We started the session working on his self-esteem, sadness, fears and phobias, and years of pent-up anger. I trained my client to enter his own mind using all of the tools I know for self – hypnosis, so he could learn how to become a happier person. Months passed and I continued to see my client once a week. I didn’t forget why Mr. Wish came to see me initially, and that his main issue was to have his wish granted. Three months later Mr. Wish came to see me with tears of joy in his eyes. His wish had come true! Yes, he was rich! I could hear the disbelief in his laugh when he said “Wow! What am I going to do with all this money now?”

He had inherited a great wealth from one of his childhood friends, and this is how his wish came true. Mr. Wish had dreamed of visiting Thailand, and now he finally could. He traveled for a few weeks, and on November 17, 2005 he called and asked to see me. He was very excited to share some information with me, and said it was very important that he see me today. Since he couldn’t drive to see me that day I went over to his house. Mr. Wish looked so happy and shining, and I assumed it must be the vacation. He smiled at me and spoke to me with a soft voice “I am dying now. I have cancer.” I looked at him and said “What? How? When? Why?”. He replied “I got my wish granted, but I didn’t ask for health because I didn’t need it at the time. And now I have a new wish.” As you know there are no secret miracle cures, but I have worked with a few cancer patients that healed themselves through the use of hypnosis to enhance their medical therapies. Thinking he wanted to heal himself, I immediately said “Let’s work on it, but first we need a doctor’s referral.”

Mr. Wish gazed at me and said “Doreen, that is not my wish.” I looked at him puzzled, not knowing what his next wish could be. He said “I know it is my time now, Doreen. It is time for me to go home, and it is okay. Thanks to our time together, I have no fears, and in fact, I am so excited to go home.” I looked at him again and said “What home? This is your home – you are going to buy the most beautiful house, and hire the best doctors and nurses. You are just beginning your life! “.

He looked at me and softly said “I had a lesson to learn in this life, and it is to just keep wishing and never once complain about it. Because, sooner or later, we get our wishes granted. Wishes really do come true Doreen.” He continued “Now, all I wish is that tonight all the stars will shine on me from the heavens above. And I have a request – when you go home tonight, watch for the first falling star you can see. It will be me smiling at you, so please smile back and understand that my wish did come true again. When the star shines on you, it will be a sign that I am finally joining my loved ones, and I will never be lonely again.”

I left with tears, but for some reason I felt so much energy inside me. When I arrived home later that evening, I saw the first star falling down and I felt like it winked at me. When that happened I sang to myself for a while “Let the stars shine on me… “. I called Mr. Wish a few minutes later, and the paramedics answered my call. They were at his house already, and after I told them who I was, they said to me “He just died peacefully. May God bless his soul.”

This true story illustrates how once you discover the way to enter your own mind you will be able to listen to your inner guide, and match the key that is best for your life.

The answers we all seek can be found within ourselves, and only we can solve our hidden mysteries.

© 2005 Doreen Cohanim – All Rights Reserved.

Doreen has conducted lectures on Past Life Regression and Energy Healing classes at various places and countries such as Israel, Mexico and Canada.
As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer, Doreen draws to her practice a great experience in working with psychologists, family therapists, sexual assault therapists and physicians since 1999. Http://

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