Archive for the ‘Mental Illness’ Category

10 Juices To Help Lose Weight

An effective method of losing weight is to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks, energy drinks and sports drinks. You can substitute all such drinks with fruit juice. Not only would the consumption of such juices help you infighting diseases but would also aid in the weight loss procedure. There is always a reason why […]

Therapist Who Suffered From Borderline Personality Disorder and Schizophrenia

The Power of Rescuing Others:By Dr. Marsha Linehan, a therapist and researcher at the University of Washington who suffered from borderline personality disorder and Schizophrenia. As we all know, the enduring stigma of mental illness teaches people with such a diagnosis to think of themselves as victims, snuffing out the one thing that can motivate […]

Hypnosis to Counteract Depression & Suicide Thoughts

  Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst Remember you are not alone: The first two things you should do is to tell your doctor, and your family member. If there are counseling sessions available (these are usually free depends on where you live- ask your doctor) If not find someone you can trust, your physician would love […]

Hypnosis is an Affective Approach For Healing Children

* Children tend to be better candidates for hypnosis than adults. The reasons are children tend to respond to suggestions better then adults because children are in touch with their imaginations. Think back to a time when you were a child and how easy it was to imagine or daydream. For a child everything is […]

Are You Hypnotized by the Vampire?

How Does It Work! A Good Hypnotherapist start building a report with the client, getting to know them better in order to assist on the specific request that the client came in initially and that is what the hypnotherapist start working on. No Hypnotherapist will guarantee healing or number of sessions to clients, just because […]