Rubber Ducky & Creative Subconscious Mind

Since I wrote my “Nine Inch Long” article, we all can agree that we don’t need a room full of smart people to brainstorm with anything that is so creative, we just need to start somewhere or with something… lets all now think of a “rubber ducky”.

What are you associating it with?

Where your memory is taking you to?

Is it fun? Is it scary? Is it cute? Is it a good fuzzy warm memory? Or is it a sad lonely memory?

Did you have a rubber ducky?

You see your mind is all over, hopefully with fun & fuzzy memories…

One of the first things I learned as a child and later as an energy healer and a hypnotherapist, was to use my imagination to program my personal techniques known to me as “Self Talk”, having an inner voice dialog and positive thinking and programming.

A story about this, is in this article: once upon a time was a little girl and her Name was “Dee”, and it goes something like this: A little girl kept her imaginary friends in her mind protected from everyone else, and before this little girl was allowed to bring her problem to her adult parents or her surroundings, she had to first start a dialog with her Inner Child Voice, explaining it out loud to her Imaginary friends… lets say this time it was with another child or even her own twin. The idea is that by the time she finished telling the other child or her twin child all her issues or complains, half of her complications were solved instantly.

This little girl is also known as ” Self talk Programing”, because it doesn’t matter a great deal of who were you talking to, but the actual conversations is what matters, having the tools and the abilities to self talk, argue and explain the issue out loud to yourself is enough to vent out and clear obstacles from your thought process to ease your brain, when you capable and allow yourself to be connected with your “Inner Child” you simply get the whole picture, idea and the theory, so you can see things in a new light, a nice vision so you can get much better understanding to promote a better success within yourself…

Let me explain more, when we think, imagine and visualize, we are no longer alone, we are conversing with our “Inner Child” that happens to be very intelligent… that is why we need partnership, companion, mentors, therapists, healers, doctors, surgeons, hypnotherapsit’s and esc.

My point is that we always need two to tango, there for “Two brains are better than one”, “Positive & Negative”, “Male & Female” “Ying And Yang” when two minds take a look at the actual problem, it is most likely easier to solve it, or to destroy it, basically it is enough to make things to come about better even of you have to break that pattern of dependency, low self esteem, being needy and list goes on….

And if your “Inner Child” is a little too confusing and not sure you know how to do it, contact me, so I can guide you, but in the mean time you can use those cute ideas to practice, try imagining that you are conversing with your ” Rubber Ducky”, Fairy Tell”, “Twin Child”, “Spirit Guide”, “Angels” or your favorite animal, I am sure you got the idea…

Conversing and speaking out loud within yourself will activates the combination of your left brain that is considered to be analytic in approach while the right brain is described as holistic or global. This logic thinking will finally utilize and promote your thought process parts of your brain that is not accessed when we simply think.

And even better, the act of having an Inner Conversation, dialog argument, is the best way to educate yourself and others by having the ability and the knowledge to explain your concept of healing or hypnosis…It is a great tool that gets you thinking in ways you might never have reached if you hadn’t tried to talk through it with your Inner Childs Voice..

I often tell my students in order for you to be successful in all areas of your life, you must first learn the art of communication and listening, and what is the best way of doing so if not talking to yourself? Honestly, think about it for a moment, what is a better way to learn if not from your experience or on yourself? If you are in a business of helping others or being a parent wanting to deliver the best message out to your children, you must learn the art of this little girl “Self Talk Programing”.

You can’t teach someone else to: understand why things happen to them or the way it happens, if you haven’t worked on your problems understanding the concept of WHY?

To be successful, you must communicate within yourself and work on issues or problems, and what is the best way to learn if not by teaching.

I encourage members of my HypboCruise to get involved and answer questions in our meetings, even at the risk of being incorrect, because it helps our thought process with more understanding as we ask more questions. Not sure I have all the answers, but we can challenge our Inner Child.

I am certified Energy Healer and Certified Hypnotherapist and my mission is to help clients with self improvement, vocational and a vocational.

You can contact me for your free consultation… local or long distance.

HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator

© 2008 Doreen Cohanim – All Rights Reserved.

Doreen has conducted lectures on Past Life Regression and Energy Healing classes at various places and countries such as Israel, Mexico and Canada.

As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer, Doreen draws to her practice a great experience in working with psychologists, family therapists, sexual assault therapists and physicians since 1999.

Doreen is also assisting therapeutic personal growth workshops for Chakra balancing that is called “The Dance Chakra,” as well her experience as a Certified Massage Therapist for six years.

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