Circumcision For All Baby Boys!

Last week, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Task Force on Circumcision met to finalize the organization’s new policy on circumcision – which could recommend circumcision for all baby boys. Circumcision is a decision and it is not an easy one for parents to do thinking of the actual act, but pain itself cannot be remembered; even by adults, only the experiences associated with pain can be recalled in later life if other traumas were added to the specific child, such as physical and emotional abuse…

That is why babies don’t remember the pain, and with a good Mohel/Rabby they don’t even feel the immediate pain, or they get some numbing medication or wine or water mixed with sugar to numb the nerve as well as distracting the infants mind from the pain… Remember our brain produce enough of the good hormone during the circumcision, because the mother or close family are helping to increase the levels of the feel-good hormone, known as Serotonin… We also have the Oxytocin, which is another feel good hormone also known as the “Cuddle Hormone”.

Oxytocin is released when we feel love, trust and comfort. It can be even more powerful than serotonin.

However, circumcision has many great benefits. It can prevent urinary tract infections, phimosis, paraphimosis, and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. For example, in a randomized control trial, circumcision reduced the risk of acquiring HIV infection by 53%.

I have helped training mothers with natural child birth using hypnosis, and part of the conflict most of the natural child practitioners have is with this specific sensitive subject, some are against circumcision and therefore they are not so respectful and understanding, while they area trying to reinforce their personal opinion on parents during the natural child birth education, and this disturb me, since I believe they should never be allowed to take an advantage of this situation.

In my opinion, I think it is unethical for individual practitioners to allow themselves to educate moms for natural child birth while trying to use the same practice to make parents guilty with their personal decision, and I have herd story’s and not once that during their natural child birth practice, they are tolled not to allow circumstance due to the fact that it is not their baby’s choice. Unfortunately this kind of opinion can reinforce some negative impact on the expecting parents, especially mothers, it can leave them with a huge angr, fear and guilt, and as a result marital argument between the couple trying to convince the other partner to follow their natural child birth educator advice, also can trigger post traumatic stress disorder. Again, in my opinion, it’s not our business as child birth educator to reinforce our ideas or opinions; we need to remember to respect others with their life long decisions!

Even though circumcision has lots of benefits, parents are often still reluctant toward the procedure, where I was asked to care for the baby and to get him ready for the procedure, I have even asked to hold the baby during and after their circumcision, and from my experience, the job was done and the celebration was total blessing to all. On the other hand, many parents choose to circumcise their sons based on their religious, cultural, and ethnical beliefs and once again, in my opinion, this traditions needs to be respected.

Doreen has conducted lectures on Past Life Regression and Energy Healing classes at various places and countries such as Israel, Mexico and Canada. As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer, Doreen draws to her practice a great experience in working with psychologists, family therapists, sexual assault therapists and physicians since 1999. Doreen is also assisting therapeutic personal growth workshops for Chakra balancing that is called “The Dance Chakra,” as well her experience as a Certified Massage Therapist for six years.

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